aus der Hölle entkommen hab ich mich wieder dran gegeben, einige neue Blues Cd's zu kaufen!
ich muss sie mir im Gegensatz zu anderen ( der deutschen Blueszeitschrift, ect) leider alle selber besorgen, und bekomme die neusten Alben nicht einfach so in den "Allerwertesten" geschoben!
ich hätte mir zusätzlich noch gerne das neue Album von King Mo oder das von Josh Smith , einem neuen Blueser, der gerade durch die deutschen Lande tourt, und mit " I'm gonna be Ready" sein Solo Debütalbum rausgebracht hat, angehört, denn von den beiden Alben verspreche ich mir so einiges!
Aber ich kann nur das hören, was ich habe, und wo ich meine, das lohnt sich, das ich mir dieses Album besorge.
Trotz finanziellen Engpässen hab ich in fast 20 neue Alben reinhören können, ob das von Elvin Bishop, Tab Benoid, Shawn Pittman, Eric Lindell , oder Neal Black war.
Einige Sponsoren des Forum ermöglichen mir monatlich in eine bestimmte Stückzahl an Alben reinhören zu können. Ohne das hier auch nur ein einziger Euro über die Theke geht,
könnte ich ohne diese Unterstützung garnicht jeden Monat ein Album hier reinsetzen!
Genug davon!
mein Bluesalbum des Monat Mai widme ich Burton Gaar:
Burton Gaar - Fried Grits & Greens - 2011

01. Fried Grits & Greens (3:09)
02. Last Train To Memphis (3:32)
03. Trouble (4:17)
04. Drowning In the Blues (4:07)
05. One Step Away (4:12)
06. Sugarfied (3:09)
07. Turn Around (3:19)
08. Wake Up and Watch me Leave (3:17)
09. So Over You (3:43)
10. Strung Out On the Blues (3:42)
11. Ain't She A Mess (3:05)
12. One of Us Is Leaving (3:01)
13. That's All She wrote (3:32)
14. Love Doctor and Nurse (3:12)
15. Hold It Against You (3:21)
Baton Rouge, Louisiana's Burton Gaar broke into the music industry playing bass for Blues great Slim Harpo and has never looked back. The year was 1959, and Gaar was only 16-years-old. He has gone on to play in R&B band the Boogie Kings, as well as alongside the great Percy Sledge and Zydeco kingpin Rockin' Sydney Simien. Burton Gaar has also fronted his own bands, as well as recorded solo records - his debut being 1995's Still Singing The Blues. Gaar has recorded five solo albums in all, with his latest being Fried Grits & Greens.
It was a long and winding path to get from concept to creation. Production of the record was stalled by several aspects, including the devastating hurricanes that struck Louisiana back in 2005. Burton Gaar talks about all of the issues that delayed this album's release in the liner notes. He also mentions all of the folks who played on the album, although there are no specific credits for each individual song. Players who handle instrumental duties throughout the record include Gaar on lead vocals and bass, and Floyd Saizon on drums and percussion. Garr and Saizon also co-wrote "So Over You" for Fried Grits & Greens.
Additional writing credits include Gaar and Robert Felsenthal on the stellar tune "Last Train To Memphis." The song has touches of real life experience in it, detailing the trip out of New Orleans ahead of a storm. The song is a phenomenal slice of Soul that contains beautiful vocals over swelling organ and excellent percussion arrangements. Gaar's voice is smooth, and he turns the power on at times. The remaining 13 songs on Fried Grits & Greens were co-written by Burton Gaar and George Hollinshead. Hollinshead and Gaar have been collaborating with one another for decades, and this album was recorded and produced by Hollinshead at his Evergreen, Louisiana studio. Gaar mentions the pair wrote 30 songs for the disc before selecting the tunes that would appear on the final product.
Fried Grits & Grrens kicks off with the title track, a Funky opener celebrating Southern cooking with shout-outs to "Lucille and all the good folks at Red Kettle (Cafe)." That's followed by the standout "Last Train To Memphis" and "Trouble," another well-written track. Check out the killer line "Trouble got me worried and lookin' for some hope, that don't come in a bottle or some pipe full of dope." There's also a great guitar solo on the number. The Rockin' "Drowning in the Blues" is followed by the pounding "One Step Away," a cool story song with Hollinshead providing a percussive acoustic guitar rhythm that pairs nicely with Saizon's drumming. It's by this point in Fried Grits & Greens that you realize the songwriting in earlier tracks wasn't a fluke. There are excellent lyrics throughout this disc, and Gaar and his collaborators do an excellent job telling stories in their songs.
"Sugarfied" is a great Blues tune with some really wonderful piano throughout the number. That's followed by the straight ahead Soul of "Turn Around," the uptempo "Wake up and Watch Me Leave," and the bouncing "So Over You." "Strung Out on the Blues" sounds just a tad similar in arrangement to "Last Train To Memphis." It's another good slice of R&B, with some subtle and soulful guitar playing. "Ain't She A Mess" is another standout track, and this one's got a terrific arrangement. Give a call to the organ solo in there, too. It's brief, but gives the song a nice little breakdown.
"That's All She Wrote" is another example of Gaar and company's amazing skill at weaving intricate stories in their lyrics. The ballad is smooth and provides the aspects that a song needs to project that mental movie inside your mind. Fried Grits & Greens wraps with a pair of tunes beginning with "Love Doctor and Nurse," the track with the most Rock edge of any of this disc's tracks; and "Hold It Against You," a really cool love song that allows the band to really show off as they put the wraps on a strong album. Gaar is a wonderful vocalist, and we've discussed the songwriting several times already. He surrounds himself with great collaborators and skilled musicians to create a dark horse in terms of an independent album that stacks up very nicely to some of the albums out currently that have a lot more promotional effort behind them. Give this one a shot, because I think you'll walk away pleased with what you find.