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 Remi's Bluesalbum des Monats
Remi Offline

Beiträge: 3.132

24.08.2011 09:55
RE: mein Bluesalbum des Monat August 2011 Antworten

ich hab jetzt noch einige Alben hier in der Reha am Bodensee anhören können, aber für mich kommt absolut diesen Monat nichts an das Album ran, welches ich direkt Anfang August bekommen habe!

mein Bluesalbum des Monat August 2011 widme ich Marquise Knox, er hat mit gerade einmal knapp 20 , mit dem Album "Here I Am", was wirklich Grosses und Schönes rausgebracht!

Marquise ist für mich der Blueser überhaupt, der in die Fussstapfen eines B.B. King oder Buddy Guy steigen könnte, - wenn er nicht abdreht-!
Er verkörpert für mich den schwarzen Blues den wirklich nur sehr, sehr wenige spielen und vortragen können!
Knox besitzt auch diese dreckige Stimme, die man braucht, um diesen Blues rauslassen zu können!
Er hat auch den nötigen Funk, den man sofort gerade beim hören von "Here I Am" heraushört!

Holt Euch das Teil, damit könnt Ihr absolut nichts falsch machen!

Marquise Knox - Here I Am (2011)

Time: 55:19
Label: APO
Styles: Modern electric blues
Year: 2011


[5:47] 1. Here I Am
[4:45] 2. You Better Pray
[4:05] 3. Two Can Play Your Game
[8:25] 4. Tears Feel Like Rain
[4:00] 5. Feel Like Goin' Home
[4:01] 6. America's Blues
[3:44] 7. Coming For Your Loving
[6:10] 8. Can A Young Man Play The Blues?
[3:48] 9. Love Me Through The Pain
[3:00] 10. I Can't Be Satisfied
[4:02] 11. I'm Bad
[3:27] 12. Two Trains Running

Marquise Knox is a once-in-a-generation type of talent. And, man, are traditional blues lovers lucky he's decided to pursue straight-up real blues. Marquise has the voice, the songwriting talent, the guitar chops, the showmanship and the determination to very likely be a success in any number of styles of music. But for Marquise, it's nothing but the blues. Not the guitar hero, pyrotechnic licks blues. Not the gimmicky, tired, "Sweet Home Chicago" meets "Mustang Sally" predictable blues. No, Marquise almost seems to be literally channeling the certain-something energies and nuances of a Howlin' Wolf or Muddy Waters or Lightnin' Hopkins. In fact, when you listen to Marquise - 19 years old when he recorded this title - you get the sense that this is what those masters must have sounded like as young men. Marquise's blues are so transparent and bare. It's so easy to feel his music as totally legitimate. That's above all what makes it so appealing. That's what makes Marquise Knox special. He's the whole package. A throwback blues master on the rise. Anybody believe in reincarnation?

As you'd expect from somebody still so young, Marquise's talents have matured immeasurably since his 2009 APO debut, Man Child, recorded when he was 16. And that was a really good record. On Man Child, Marquise shared the guitar duties with Michael Burks, a fiercely explosive and powerful guitarist. For his new record, Marquise doesn't need the guitar help, and

Here I Am doesn't want for even a little power and punch. Marquise's guitar skills have improved tenfold. Seriously. And his voice is, well, three years richer. To say that this record sounds unlike anything any other 19 year old is releasing in 2011 is undisputable. To say that it may be unlike anything anybody is releasing in 2011 might also be true.

When Man Child hit the market in 2009, blues lovers freaked out partly because of how young Marquise was to be sounding like such an aged veteran. Well, he's still awfully young, but this time around, the focus ought to be entirely on just how incredible a bluesman Marquise Knox is, age aside.


ich hab diese Scheibe ja auch schon unter der Rubrik, "diese Scheibe sollte man unbedingt hören" vorgestellt, und dort so einiges darüber geschrieben!


Der Blues wurde deshalb erfunden, weil die Seele vieler Menschen sonst noch schneller verkümmert wäre!

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